So, I didn’t get much of a chance to work on the lesson page. I have some ideas written down yet not in the form or format I’d like. I’m getting there however. I hope to have that Lesson Page ready by the beginning of March. In the midst of writing up my lesson/s, I have been working on editing the interview with Portelli, which is part of the Lesson Page work. I continue to work on ‘house stuff’…communicating with lawyers, realtors, mortgage brokers and movers. Also getting estimates on some minor work I wish to get done on the home. And also finding a doctor…I haven’t been feeling 100% and don’t really have a primary care physician so I have been doing some homework and found an Internist near my new neighborhood. Will be getting a check-up and blood-work done soon…not fun, especially because I am not a good patient. I am not that fond of doctors or how our medical practices (aka ‘business’) are dealt with in the States yet I digress…I do not want to complain. Some good news or fun news for me is that I started my workshop with the Writer’s Loft!Comments are closed.
Anna C.Instructor of Italian language and culture at OPRFHS Archives
June 2016
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